Sweet Lovely Lock Apps

Husky Puppy HD Free PIN Lock 1.0
Lovely Little Husky - HD Free PIN Lock. Are you a fan ofsmallpuppies of the Husky breed? Then this application willsurelyplease you. Stylish and useful program that is easy touse.Decorate your lock screen with our app and choose a Husky photoonthe lock background. Tell your friends and appreciateit!Expression of the eye - sharp and penetrating, butfriendly,interested and even naughty. The eyes are almond-shaped,moderatelybroad and barely oblique. Eye color brown or blue; Any ofthesecolors or their combination is allowed. Ears aremedium-sized,triangular, high and close. Thick, covered with thickwool,slightly convex in the back, standing on strong cartilage,withslightly rounded ends, directed strictly upwards. Skull partofmedium size, proportional to body; Slightly rounded andnarrowingfrom the eyes to the nose of the nose. The transition fromtheforehead to the muzzle is well pronounced, the back of thenosestraight from the base to the nose of the nose. Muzzle ofmediumlength, that is, the distance from the nose to the transitionfromthe forehead to the muzzle is equal to the distance fromthetransition from the forehead to the muzzle to the occipitalhump.The muzzle of medium width, gradually narrowing to the nose,is notsquare and not acute. The nose is black in gray,yellowish-brown orblack dogs, liver with copper-red color, with awhite-colored colormay be corporeal. A pinkish-striped nose isallowed, the so-calledsnow nose. The lips are pigmented, dry,densely adjacent. Teeth:bite knife-shaped. Wounds: too oblique ornear eyes; Excessive earsin relation to the head, too broadlyspaced or soft ears; Rough,massive, or too light head; Notpronounced sharp transition fromforehead to muzzle; Too rough orsharp face; Any bite exceptscissors.
Pearl Jewerly Password Lock 1.0
Pearl Jewerly Password Lock Pearl Jewelry - Screen Lock.Beautiful,delicate collection of pearl jewelry in photographs. Anice anduseful supplement will please lovers of real pearls. Youcan choosewhich picture to put on the lock background and also thetype oflock to choose from, with your taste! One of the mostpopular and,most importantly, topical in all seasons is jewelrywith pearls. Itacts as a holistic ornament, and as an insert.Liquidity is nolonger a quality pearl. At present, from the bottomof the seapearls are not necessary, there are farms from theirbreeding. Theprice for pearls has decreased, but the quality of thepearls hasincreased. If a stone's fingers feel completely smoothand smoothtexture, it is a sign of artificial origin, that is,imitation.Thus, the ideal surface of a real natural stone can notbe called,but intense shine makes this disadvantage completelyinvisible. Itis worth looking at the holes in the stone. The edgeof thesepearls in the necklace has barely noticeable boundariesanddifferent thicknesses of layers, and the material-base isonlyvisible on unreal pearls. When falling to the floor, the realpearlbouncs off the floor, the fake rolls down the floor, jump onlyto asmall height or just split.
Funny Joke Husky Lock Screen 1.0
Funny, humorous and lovely Husky - Lock Screen. Siberian Husky -agraceful, fast and easy moving mid-sized working dog.Itsmoderately compact case with thick wool, standing ears andfluffytail speak about the northern origin. This great app includesacollection of photos of your favorite dogs. The app will beaconvenient and useful decoration for your phone. Haski isanAmerican breed officially registered in the middle of the20thcentury. Ancestors of the Siberian Husky are considered tobeChukchi riding dogs, some of whom were taken to Alaska in theearly20th century. It was on the basis of these representativesandcreated a new breed. The Siberian Husky works perfectly in adogharness, transporting not heavy loads at medium speed athugedistances. Proportionality of the structure reflects itsstrength,vitality and endurance. Psi are always bigger, butwithoutcoarseness of the structure; Bitches are smaller but notlighter.The Siberian Husky should be in working condition, withstrong andwell-developed muscles. Siberian Husky distinguishes thefriendly,soft, sociable and at the same time lively. It does notshow thequalities inherent in watch dogs, is not suspicious ofthird-partyand non-aggressive to other dogs, and especially tohumans. Adultdogs are somewhat restrained. Reason of the SiberianHusky,obedience and light nature make her a pleasant companionanddiligent worker. Siberian Husky is among the five most beloveddogsin the world.
Pregnant Woman Baby PIN Lock 1.0
Pregnancy Female Screen Lock In anticipation of a miracle withtheapplication pregnancy is a woman. Download the app on yourphoneand get mega cool pictures of women during pregnancy! Wait foryourmiracle with cool pictures on your phone! Share the appwithfriends, let them also be in the center of topical newproducts!Pregnancy in humans is a period when the germ developswithin theuterus of a woman. It begins with conception and endswith birth,lasts about 40 weeks. After conception women stopmenstruation.Pregnancy is a condition that has a double assessmentin folktradition: on the one hand, the offspring are recognized asthemain goal of marriage; a pregnant woman becomes a personalityoffertility; she is attributed charity, healing and othercharitableproperties. On the other hand, pregnancy is sometimesconsidered adangerous state (sometimes unclean) for both the womanhimself andfor others and for life. This is due to the presence oftwo soulsin it and its closeness to the limit of life and death. Asa resultof an increase in the production of melanin (which, inturn, causesan increase in the number of estrogen, darkening of thenipples andskin around them is possible, a dark middle line, theso-calledLinea nigra, appears on the abdomen. Hyperpergmentationoccursafter delivery. At 16 weeks, the fetus and placenta representasingle system, the fetus is already freely floating inamnioticfluid (amniotic fluid). At this time, if necessary, performaninvasive procedure for amniocentesis, as the analysis oftheamniotic fluid allows diagnosing congenital and geneticdiseases.
Sweet Baby Girl Lock Screen 1.0
Sweet Baby Girl Lock Screen Nice baby, girl - Lock Screen.Nice,comforting and beautiful photos of newborn girls. A collectionofphotos that will appeal to many, will bring a pleasant emotionanddecorate your phone. A great and easy-to-use application willgiveyou the ability to lock the screen in various ways. Newborn isachild from the moment of birth to 4 weeks of life. The firstmonthof life of the baby corresponds to the period of newborn,orneonatal. All children are different, one needs more time tosleep,another less. By and large, the baby should sleep as muchtime ashe wants. However, it should be remembered that prolongedsleep maybe a symptom of a child not receiving enough food. Becauseof this,he becomes even more sleepy and passive, losing strength.
Siberian Husky Dog PIN Lock 1.0
Siberian Husky, Dogs - PIN Lock Screen. Active, smart puppysHaskiare waiting for their LORDS! Black and white, blue eyes!Become theowners of a wonderful and beautiful app. A collection ofphotoswill please all fans of these dogs. Siberian Husky - a breedofdogs, a factory specialized breed, obtained by Americancynologistsin the 30's of the 20th century, as a riding dog. Theterm "Haski"comes from the distorted "Eski" - a short nicknamecalled theEskimos. As a result, this name has been consolidated byEskimoHusky. This is a breed with thick wool, an acute form ofmuzzlewith standing ears and a curved tail in the form of a sickle.Whenthe first representatives of the Chukchi dogs arrived inNorthAmerica, for the difference from the Eskimo Khaski theybecameknown as the Siberian Husky, so this name has survived tothis day.
Engine Cyborg Power PIN Lock 1.0
Engine Cyborg Power PIN Lock Powerful motor - Screen Lock.Engine,motor, power, power - an application created for fans ofthis.Photos that depict different engines will appeal to amateursoftechnology. The application contains 5 pictures, you choose oneofthem for the background lock screen. The engine isanenergy-intensive machine that transforms any type of energyintomechanical work. We all move on cars of different brandsandmodels. But, few of us even think about how the engine of ourcaris arranged. By and large, to know all 100% of the car engineandnot necessarily. We all use, for example, mobile phones, butthatdoes not mean we have to be radio electronics geniuses. Thereis a"On" button, by pressing and speaking. But with the car alittledifferent story.
Emoji Purple Devil PIN Lock 1.0
Emoji Purple Devil PIN Lock Emoji Purple Devil - PIN Lock.Lovesmilies The purple devil smiles at you from the pictures ofthisapp. The smile is placed on the background of beautifulvioletcolors, you can choose a picture that will decorate yourscreen! Toindicate positive emotions, the smile (as a pictogram)was usedstill in Slovakia in the XVII century: the archivists foundadocument where a local lawyer with a smile showed his pleasurewithread documents. Four emoticons (sad and funny) used in theirnotesin his eccentric play "In Futurum" (1919) Erwin Schulhof.Thestylized image of a human face for expressing emotions was usedbydirector Ingmar Bergman in the movie "Port city", but thisimagewas a misery. Later, already a happy face was used intheadvertising campaigns of the films "Lily" in 1953 and "Ridoty"in1958. In 1958, when the WMCA radio station in New York hostedacompetition on the most popular radio show of the time,CousinBruce, listeners who answered the phone to questions wereawarded a"Good Guys!" Hoodie, which included a happy face image.Thousandsof such thickens were distributed in the late 1950s.
Baby Boom Kids Lock Screen 1.0
Baby Boom Kids Lock Screen Baby boom, baby - Lock Screen. Cutekidsin a wonderful collection of photos. The little ones smile atyou,sleep, and also joke show the tongue of these photos. Youcanchoose one of the pictures and decorate your screen. Andalsochoose your personal locking method. The application is simpleandeasy to use. Nothing matters to babies so much as deepemotionalconnections that they gradually create with their parents.This isan important element of education. And these powerfulemotionalconnections are just as important for parents. In fact,what can bemore spiritual than the first child's smile, the firstlaugh, thefirst gesture of goodbye, as well as the first sounds,similar tothe words of human speech!
Good Great Pizza Lock Screen 1.0
Delicious Big Pizza - Lock Screen. A delicious apple! Tastyjuicypizza photos. The app contains a collection of photos, amongwhichyou can choose your favorite background lock screen.Theapplication will become a stylish and useful decoration foryourphone. Pizza is an Italian national dish, namely, a cake isusuallyround, covered with tomato paste and cheese and baked.Variousingredients can be added to the pizza, such as meat, ham,salami,seafood, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, greens and others.To makepizza, use yeast dough. All pizza products are cut intosmallpieces that are similar to each other. Preparation for pizzaismade by hand, without the help of a roll, which makes thedoughbecome loose. Bake pizza in stoves with firewood from treesoflocal species: chestnut, maple, and others. Furnaces aremasonrywith tuff. Modern furnaces are made from special gradesofceramics. The furnace temperature reaches 350 ° C. In the stovethefire is maintained round the clock, except for the time ofitsrepair. Specialist establishments specializing in making pizzaarecalled pizzerias. The cooks who cook pizza is calledpizzaiolo.Pizza has spread all over the world and has become aninternationaldish.
Fun Popcorn PIN Lock Screen 1.0
Fun Popcorn PIN Lock Screen Lock Screns for popcorn fans. The appisdesigned for lovers to enjoy delicious popcorn. Beautifulpictureswill adorn your phone, and will remind you of yourfavoritedelicacies. Install this app on your device and tell yourfriends!Popcorn is a grain of corn that has exploded from theinside duringheating. Usually served with salted or sweetened.Popcorn was madeby the ancient Indians of America for millennia,which discoveredthe kind of maize that is capable of bloatingduring heating, whichis explained by a special grain structure inwhich there is adroplet of starch containing water. When heated,the water boils,the pair lays the shell from the inside and thegrain is opened,increasing involume.___________________________________________________________________________
USA America Flag Lock Screen 1.0
USA America Flag Lock Screen US American flag - LockScreen.Beautiful images of the American flag. The applicationcontains acollection of pictures of your choice. It will decorateyour phoneas well as being comfortable and easy to use. Lock yourphone withour app and enjoy the pictures! Each star on a bluebackgroundmeans one state. How many stars are on the US flag?That's right,as much as the states - 50 (at the moment, sincehistory shows thatthe number of states in America is constantlychanging and maychange again). Not for nothing the stars arelocated on a bluerectangle - it means the Union (after all, thestates are connectedin a certain kind of union). In addition, theblue color is a colorof zeal and justice. The US-flagged flag isthe official statesymbol of America, along with such well-knownsymbols as Hymn andBig Print. This flag is a combination of red andwhite bands andstars on a blue background in the upper left corner.The Americanflag is not just a drawing, it symbolically reflectssomehistorical facts, and also takes into account thegenerallyaccepted values ​​of colors (red, white, blue).
US Indians PIN Screen Lock 1.0
US Indians - PIN Screen Lock. Indians, such a colorfulandmysterious people. Their unforgettable culture and customsareinteresting to many. The app contains a collection of 5greatpictures depicting ancient Indians in their cultural image.Choosea picture for the background lock screen and happy to lockyourphone's screen! The Indians are the general name of theindigenouspopulation of America, given to them by the navigatorChristopherColumbus, because he believed that the continentdiscovered by himwas India. It is believed that the Asian ancestorsof the Indiansmoved to the territory of North America 60-35thousand years agounder the existing at that time an isthmusbetween Siberia andAlaska, which sank into the ocean during thelast glacial period.In North America, there were about 400 tribesof the Indians. Theyall spoke in different languages and did nothave writing. However,in 1826, the leader of the Cherokee tribe -Sequoia created theCherokee alphabet, and in 1828 began publishingthe newspaperCherokee Phoenix in the language of Cherokee. Thesteppe Indiansused pictographic writing. Also, there wereinter-tribal jargon,which include the general trading languageChicas - "mobil". Sometribes widely used the "signal language" or"sign language". Themain instruments of the signal language wereconditional movementof the foot or top, the mirror. Forcommunication used andvampires, which if necessary serve theIndians as money.
Emoji Smile PIN Lock Screen 1.0
Emoji Smile - PIN Lock Screen. Your favorite yellow emoticons intheimage collection in this application. Funny yellow faceswilldelight you, lift your mood, and recharge yourself all daylong.Just install this application, select the background lockscreen,and unlock the screen with pleasure! Smile, emoticon oremoticon isa graphic symbol used to express emotions. Emoticons -emotionalicon or, as they are often called in parity - "smilies","smileys":)). During e-mail, emoticons are used to recreate themood of themessage. One of the first attempts to use topographicconstructsfor expressing emotions was made in 1881 by the editorialboard ofthe American humor magazine Puck. 1953 The smileys appearon thepages of the newspaper "New York Herald Tribune", where theywereused in advertising of the feature film "Lili" . Thelarge-scaleexpansion of emoticons in the printed text began withthe advent ofthe Internet.
Cossack Horseshoe Screen Lock 1.0
Cossack horseshoe, horse - Screen Lock. An application containingacollection of photographs with Cossack horseshoes, a photo ofahorse. You can choose a background to lock the screen fromthiscollection. Use a simple and convenient application and tellyourfriends! Horseshoe - a device for protecting horses from wearandtear. Horseshoes are usually made of metal, often made ofsteel,and nailed to the hoof nails. The main occupation of theCossackswas a military affair: the guarding and patrolling of traderoutes,sea raids on seagus against the Turkish fleet in the Crimeaand theBlack Sea, the protection of Ukrainian lands from Tatar"huntingfor slaves", participation in military campaigns ofneighboringrulers and protection of the borders of neighboringstates.Horseshoeing is a potentially dangerous operation, andusuallyperformed by a specialist who selects the right horseshoe,preparesa horse's hoof, assesses the risk of lameness and nibbles,andsometimes glued, a horseshoe. In some countries, for example,theUnited Kingdom, this requires a special license, in othercountriescertification of specialists is followed by relevantprofessionalorganizations. Perhaps horseshoe, has become a symbolof happiness,prosperity and success precisely because of itscombination withthe horse, which could be a wealthy, wealthy owner.
Dark Beer Cool Lock Screen 1.0
Dark Beer Cool Lock Screen Dark cool beer - Lock Screen. What doyouwant most in the summer heat? Usually refresh with cool drinksandrelax. Here one of the most popular beers - beer - delightsyourthirst. This app contains a collection of 5 cool and beautifulbeerphotos. You can choose photos with a bottle, a mug of beer, oraglass in which beer poured. Beer - alcoholic beverage obtainedbyfermentation. The third beverage in the world is popular withwaterand tea. Beer is characterized by a specific bitterness andaromathat gives it a hops, as well as the ability to foam. Theprocessof producing beer is called brewing or brewing. Even theancientEgyptians possessed the art of making barley malt,attributing theinvention of beer drinks to god Osiris. The dailyrate of buildersof the pyramids consisted of 3 loaves, with 3jambas of beer andseveral beams of garlic and onion. In ancientGreece, rich invarious wines, beer was scorned. It was considered adrink of thepoor. However, the famous physician Hippocrates devoteda specialbook to the beer.
Little Girl Baby-Boom PIN Lock 1.0
Little Girl Baby-Boom PIN Lock Little girl, baby-boom - PIN Lock.Weall love little girls. They are always cute, they love todressbeautifully and take pictures. Zolotokosa, cute girl pinkcheeks,sincere smile, proud posture, look at the distance, goldencutegirl. The application contains a collection of 5 beautifulphotosof a girl who loves to take pictures of her. She poses like arealmodel;) The application is very user-friendly and easy to use.Itwill be useful to you and decorate your phone.
Mojito Cocktail Bar PIN Lock 1.0
Mojito Cocktail - PIN Lock Screen. Looking for coolness and howtofreshen up this hot summer? A wonderful application thatcontainsphotos of a cool and delicious cocktail that saves many.Choose apicture for the lock screen background, and choose alockingmethod! Mojito is one of the most popular cocktails in theworld.In the classic recipe, rum is used, but mojito saves andwithoutalcohol. When cooking mojito, add lime juice to sugar firstand putmint leaves. Gently remove the resulting mixture. It isdesirablethat the mint leaves were only damaged, not fractured. Sothat theessential oils stand out. Then rum is added and the mixtureisstirred to make the sugar dissolve. Subsequently, ice is addedandsoda water is added. Leaves of mint and lime pieces are usedtodecorate a glass with a cocktail. INGREDIENTS Sweet Soda WaterMintchips Lime Ice
United Kingdom Flag PIN Lock 1.0
United Kingdom Flag PIN Lock Flag of the United Kingdom - PINLockScreen. Strict, modern and stylish lock screen application. Theappwill be a great decoration for your phone, created specificallyforUK lovers. The United Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthernIreland, also known under such short names as the UnitedKingdom,the United Kingdom, Britain, is a sovereign state locatedon thenorthwest coast of continental Europe. The territory of theUnitedKingdom includes the island of Great Britain, part of theisland ofIreland and numerous small islands. Northern Ireland isthe onlypart of the United Kingdom that has a frontier withanothersovereign country, the Republic of Ireland. All otherboundariesare water: The United Kingdom is surrounded by theAtlantic Ocean,the North Sea, the English Channel and the IrishSea.
Spinner Passcode Lock Screen 1.0
Spinner Passcode Lock Screen Spinner - Lock Screen. Yourfavoritespinner in our app, adorn your phone's screen! Withthisapplication you can choose how to lock the screen, and alsochangethe background image to your liking. The spinner is greatforpeople engaged in monotonous work all day long. Therefore, it'snotsurprising that the edition of Forbes called this gadgeta"mandatory office toy in 2017". Also, the spinner is agoodhand-held simulator - it develops motility and increasesthesensitivity of the fingers. The rods differ in material, colorandsize. Also spiners vary in speed. There are toys that spinveryfast, but are slow. In the center there is a ball bearing madeofmetal or ceramic, on the sides there are several blades / wingsorweighers. The toy is made of various materials such asbrass,stainless steel, titanium, copper and plastic. The materialanddesign of the bearings affects the rotational time, the typeofvibration and noise, creating a unique touch feedback.
Sweet Baby Lovely Lock Screen 1.0
Sweet Baby Lovely Lock Screen Beautiful, sweet baby - LockScreen.Who does not love children? They are so cute and beautiful,smileor cry, they win the love of all. A wonderful collection ofphotosof children with beautiful eyes, as well as interesting hatswithears. The first month of life of the newborn is called theperiodof adaptation. Almost 70% of the time he sleeps. The sleep isveryimportant for the baby. In a dream he grows (on average inthefirst month the child grows 2-3 cm), And the body gets used tothenew environment. During wakeful sleep, it wavers comfortably inthecam hands and knees with legs bent in it. Closer to the end ofthefirst month, the child is already able to hold for a shorttime,focus his eyes on bright toys, adults' faces, give out loudsoundsand listen to the conversation of others. Before the childlearnsto spell words, she will use the sounds and gesturesforcommunication. Smiling or crying, kicking or waving, you needtoknow why this initial stage of communication is important andhowto encourage it.
Anime Girl Love HD Lock Screen 1.0
Anime, Girl, Love - Lock Screen. The best anime pictures inthecollection of this application. If you are a big fan and fanofanime movies, then this app is for you! The program isveryuser-friendly and easy to use. Take advantage of the variousscreenlock available in this application! Anime is a Japaneseanimation.The main difference from the animation of other countriesis thatthe anime does not focus on children, but mainly onadolescents oreven adult audiences. Anime is a well-developed formof art andtherefore popular not only in Japan, but also in theworld. Animeis often different in the character of the image of thecharactersand the background. Available in the form of televisionseries, aswell as films that are distributed on video media oradapted forfilm show. Anime is characterized by an extraordinarygenrediversity, which in other countries is characterized bycinema, notanimation. In addition to general genres (action,detective, etc.),there are specific, characteristic only anime. Thediversity andorientation of viewers of all ages are the mainadvantages of theanime. In other countries, animation ispredominantly abstract artfor children, or used for parody andhumorous works, while anime isa full-fledged art.
Hazelnuts Chocolate PIN Lock 1.0
Forest nuts, chocolate - PIN Screen Lock. In fine trunks,sometimesreaching 10 meters in height, the fruit is nicely grown inallrespects - wood nut. Tasty and useful nuts in the photos inthisadd-on. The application will give you the ability to lockyourphone screen in different ways of your choice. Wood nuts, or,as itis often called, woody, abundantly grows in the deciduousforestsof the northern hemisphere The grass is added to sweets,chocolate,it is used in the manufacture of cookies, cakes,pastries. Pickledsalad, meat dishes sprinkle with hazelnut. Ofcourse, in cooking,more are using a fried hazelnut, it is muchtastier than raw, butalso useful properties in such a nut is muchless than that of raw.
Ice Mojito HD Free Lock Screen 1.0
A refreshing, cool summer Mojito cocktail - HD Lock Screen. Theappis created for Mojito lovers. A collection of photos will appealtoall fans and fans of this drink. Beautiful photos of a cocktailofice and sprigs of fragrant green mint. Use the app withpleasure!Everything is very simple, a delicious drink is very easyto cookyourself. We take a beautiful glass of mojito and put theresugar(a teaspoon or two, who likes like). 2. Then squeeze the limejuiceinto a glass, which must be cut into 4 lobes beforehand. 3.Nextcomes mint. She needs to break - so she will give the juicebetter.4. Now all this is worth knocking a wooden spoon - lime andmint incombination with sugar will give a pleasant aroma andhighlight thejuice. 5. Put ice in a glass and pour it with sodawater, such asSprite or Schweppes. Well, at the end you candecorate a glass ofmint leaves and a small lime slice. Do notforget about the tube!It's so tastier;) A refreshing, cool summerMojito cocktail - HDLock Screen. The app is created for Mojitolovers. A collection ofphotos will appeal to all fans and fans ofthis drink. Beautifulphotos of a cocktail of ice and sprigs offragrant green mint. Usethe app with pleasure! Everything is verysimple, a delicious drinkis very easy to cook yourself. We take abeautiful glass of mojitoand put there sugar (a teaspoon or two,who likes like). 2. Thensqueeze the lime juice into a glass, whichmust be cut into 4 lobesbeforehand. 3. Next comes mint. She needsto break - so she willgive the juice better. 4. Now all this isworth knocking a woodenspoon - lime and mint in combination withsugar will give apleasant aroma and highlight the juice. 5. Put icein a glass andpour it with soda water, such as Sprite or Schweppes.Well, at theend you can decorate a glass of mint leaves and a smalllime slice.Do not forget about the tube! It's so tastier;)
USA Statue of Liberty PIN Lock 1.0
USA Statue of Liberty PIN Lock US Statue of Liberty - PINScreenLock. Collection of photos about the United States ofAmerica. Youcan choose a picture with the city, the Statue ofLiberty, theballoon in colors of the US flag or dollars. Theapplication alsoallows you to choose how to lock the phone screenand thebackground lock. The Statue of Liberty stands on LibertyIsland,about 3 km southwest of the southern district of Manhattan,one ofNew York's districts. The goddess of liberty holds the torchin hisright hand and the plate in the left. The height from theground tothe torch tip is 93 meters (this figure includes the baseand thepedestal). The height of the statue itself, from the top ofthepedestal to the torch, is 46 meters. Visitors go 356 steps tothecrown of the statue of freedom or 192 steps to the top ofthepedestal. The statue was made of thin sheets of copper, whichweremolded in wooden forms. The formed sheets were then installedon asteel frame. From the day of its discovery, the statue servedas anavigational landmark and was used as a lighthouse. Usuallyastatue is open to visitors, usually arriving by ferry. Fromthecorona, which can climb the stairs, offers a great view ofNewYork's harbor. In the museum, located in the pedestal(andaccessible on the elevator) there is an exhibition of thehistoryof the statue.
Sea Shells Summer Lock Screen 1.0
Sea Shells Summer Lock Screen Sea shells, summer - Lock Screen.Anapplication that gives you an atmosphere of summer, a summerbrightholiday at sea, beautiful sand on the beach and shells, wholove tocollect and collect a lot. The app contains a collection ofbugphotos and will be useful to you. A turtle or shell is aprotectiveskeletal formation that covers the body of manyprotozoans, mostmollusks, broods and some crustaceans. Shells areinvertebratesstudying science of conhyology. Shellfish shellfishare mostimportant for practical use and collection. From shellfishmollusksfrom ancient times were made dishes, spoons, knives,scrapers,fishing hooks, signal horns, amulets, ornaments. Cowrieturtleswere used as money. Some bivalves and natells from theshellsextract mother-of-pearl. Of the shells of foraminifera,molluscsand others, there are limestones and other sedimentaryrocksserving as building material. The shells have long been thesubjectof collecting, satisfying the human desire for aestheticsorexotics. The epidemic of shelling was carried out by Holland inthe17th century. The collection of musk was carried out byscholars,artists and adherents of the arts. The overseas coloniesof thetime of Holland were regular suppliers of shells forcollections.
Business Money PIN Lock Screen 1.0
Business, Money - PIN Lock Screen. An app that will appealtotargeted people who are heading for success! You can set yourphototo the background of the screen lock by your choice. Thepicturesdepict the desktop of a business man, money, coins. In theUnitedStates, business is developing on the basis of individual,partnerand corporate ownership. On the individual property, abusiness isestablished in which the owner and the entrepreneur areone personwho receives all income and is responsible for theconduct of thecase. In the US, these holders are over 15 million,but they onlyreceive up to 9% of their cash inflows. Smallbusinesses arecharacterized by independent management, equity,local operationsarea, small size. It plays a significant role insecuringemployment, to a certain extent it ensures saturation ofthe marketby consumer goods and services, promotes weakening ofmonopolies,development of competition, restructuring of theeconomy, is ameans of achieving personal success. Small business isan importantsource of innovation. The inventions made by himinclude aircraft,helicopters, personal computers, aerosols, and thelike.
Sweet Pizza Fun HD Lock Screen 1.0
Delicious Pizza - HD Lock Screen. An application that willsurelycause you appetite. If you really love pizza, then you willenjoythis app. You can choose a picture with a pizza on thebackgroundof the lock screen, and always remember for your favoritefood.Also tell your friends about this great application! Theinventionof pizza is attributed to the Roman ruler and gourmetLucula. Lukulgained his popularity thanks to his banquets, ratherthan themilitary craft. Neapolitans still appreciate the dishesthat oncedecorated its banquet table. One of these dishes was apizza and ala drab - golden-yellow color, sour pastry, sintered oncharcoal.Greece, along with Italy, is competing for the title ofpizzahomeland. In ancient Greece began to bake flat cakes from thedoughtogether with the filling of vegetables, meat, olives,dairyproducts, etc. This Greek pizza was called plakuntos. Once inthesummer in Naples, the Queen of the Savoy Margarita traveledwithher family in the park of Capodimonte. She has repeatedlyheardabout pizza and decided, after all, to taste it. Thelocalpizzerias were very delighted with the fact that the queenhimselfdecided to try his own pizza, and specifically for her pizzapizzafor a new recipe. Since then, pizza with tomatoes,mozzarellacheese and basil leaves is called Margarita Pizza. Inaddition, thecolors of these products: red, white and greensymbolize the flagof Italy.
Western Cowboy Screen Lock 1.0
Western Cowboy - Screen Lock. An application for lovers of theWildWest. An excellent collection of photographs featuring cowboysandtheir horses and equipment. Use the convenient and useful appandtell your friends! The cowboy is, in the modern sense, ashepherd,a pasture in North America, especially in its westernlands in theXIX-XX centuries. Cowboys, their way of life andthinking havestrongly influenced the formation of the modernculture of theUnited States. The word appeared about 1000 years inIreland.Originally, this word was nicknamed Mexican cattle in the1830s inTexas. In the modern sense, the term began to be used inthesouthwestern part of the United States after the civil warinconnection with the flowering of livestock in this region. TheWestoften depicts the conquest of the desert and the subjugationofnature in the name of civilization, or the confiscation oftheterritories of the indigenous inhabitants of the bourgeoisie.TheWest depicts a society organized around the code of honorandpersonal, direct or private justice. A popular story of theWesternis the story that spins around the life of a half-dogtraveler,usually a cowboy or an arrow.
Nanosuit PIN Lock Screen 1.0
Nanosuit - PIN Lock Screen. Nanosuit - fictional technicaldevice,power exoskeleton, at work using nanotechnology. Stylishpictureswith a depiction of a nanosuit that will appeal to fans ofsciencefiction and technology of the future. The application hastheability to change the picture for the lock background, as wellaschoose the method of locking the screen of the phone. Due totheability of the nanosuit to constantly regenerate the health ofthegame completely deprived of the first-aid kit. However, allactionsdeplete the reserves of renewable energy costume. Thecostume canbe quickly switched between modes using the system ofmouse signs.The mask integrated in the helmet has its own HUD,which displaysdata such as tactical map and current energy level.Thus, allvisible information is electronic in nature, which isdetermined bysuch things as downloading readings and visualdistortions duringemergencies. Built-in utilities include two-wayradio, a pocketcomputer, and the ability to record audio-visualinformation, aswell as features such as night vision and imagemultiplication. Allthese abilities are available in the singleplayer.
White Pearl Ocean PIN Lock 1.0
White Ocean Pearls - Screen Lock. Do you like pearls andjewelrymade from them? Then this stylish application will appeal toyou,and will be useful and easy to use. The application containsacollection of 5 beautiful and delicate photos of white pearls,youcan choose what to put on the background of the lock, andalsochoose the way to lock the screen of your phone. Pearl is ahardrounded formation of aragonite of biogenic origin, whichoccurswithin the shell of some bivalve mollusks due to theirritation oftheir mantle by any foreign matter. In sea water, thepearl growsslower and reaches the size required for industrialcollection in3-5 years. Sea clams, unlike the river, can grow onlyone pearl,while freshwater molluscs can grow more than 3 pearls inone shellat a time. Pearls have the form of pearl grains ofspherical shape.The size of pearls - from microscopic to the sizeof a pigeon egg.The color is white, pink, yellow, sometimes black.There are seaand river pearls. Pearl mining is the most widespreadin the RedSea and the Persian Gulf, near the shores of Sri Lanka,Australia,Japan, Tahiti, Mexico, Venezuela. When choosing ajewelery withpearls to be guided by the cost, the diameter of thepearls, theintensity of the glitter them the color of stones.Speciallyselected and sorted black pearls are always veryexpensive, andcold-colored and small river pearls are morebudget-friendly,compared with the above-mentioned, value. However,completely madeup of pearls, necklaces or earrings with inserts andyoung pearlsare of considerable value.
Best Anime HD PIN Lock Screen 1.0
Best Anime HD - PIN Lock Screen. An app that will appeal toallanime lovers. An excellent collection of pictures ofbeautifulanimated cartoon characters. Choose the exact picture youput onthe background of the lock. And choose the lock that you likebest!Much of the anime series is the adaptation of Japanese comics-manga, but there are also screen adaptations of books, as wellascompletely independent work. Anime - this animation is made onlyinJapan, so the works in anime style, but created in othercountriesare not anime. For example Avatar - Legend of Aang. ThefirstJapanese animated films were small - from one to five minutes,andthey were made by single singers who tried to reproduce theearlyexperiences of American and European animators. Also, thefeatureof the early anime can be called the fact that the heroeswere onfour fingers. This is a long, still American tradition, dueto thefact that four fingers are easier to draw, and they lookbetter.However, later on, the standard was still five fingers,becausethis was demanded by organizations that defended the rightsof oneof the population - burakumin. For almost a century-longhistory ofanime there has been a long way of development from thefirstanimation experiments, the films of Tezuka to the present-dayhugepopularity around the world. Over the years, plots ofanime,originally designed for children, have become increasinglycomplex,the problems that are highlighted are all more serious.Anime showsappeared for the teenage audience - boys and girls ofthe teenageage. These series have found fans among adults, and insome caseseven elderly people. In its development, the anime had tocatch upwith manga, which originated much earlier and at that timehasalready gained popularity among the population of Japan.
Spinner Style PIN Lock Screen 1.0
Spinner Style PIN Lock Screen Stylish Spin - PIN Lock Screen.Yourfavorite antistress toy in a wonderful photo collection oflockscreen applications. Use a useful program to lock your phonescreenin a variety of ways. Spinner is a toy-anti-stress that hasbecomeinsanely popular in the United States. The language of theoriginaltoy is called the Fidget Spinner or simply the Spinner. Thegadgetitself is the case fixed on the bearings. To run the toy isveryeasy - you just have to push the wings, which, in turn, begintorotate. The principle is similar to a jig. Due to such asimpledesign, the spinner spins for a long time, the video isalreadylaying on the network, where the device spins for hours. Itcanalso be rotated in your hands, and so calm withpleasantvibrations. The spinner can be used for various purposes,but moreoften the device is used to relieve stress or to takesomething.The croup helps to concentrate and can reduce excitementorannoyance.